Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Gog of Magog War and The Battle of Armageddon

The Gog of Magog War and the Battle of Armageddon was a natural next topic to choose after The Four Blood Moons due to the World Political Situation today.  Many wonder what the future looks like and many are concerned with the world political climate today and what to many looks like the ushering in of the "End Times".  

The prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39, often referred to as the Battle of Gog and Magog, is hands-down one of the most important and influential end-time prophecies in all of Scripture. But it is also one of the most controversial and widely misunderstood prophecies. Throughout the Church today, a vast number of Christians believe that Ezekiel 38 and 39 predicts a Russian-led invasion of Israel in the last days. Ever since the release of the Scofield Reference Bible, this view has been echoed in dozens upon dozens of prophecy books, in thousands of end-time sermons, and today in countless online end-time discussion forums and articles. I cannot understate how well-established and influential the Russian-Gog view is. Consider for example, the comments made by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1971, to a room full of state legislators:
“Ezekiel tells us that Gog, the nation that will lead all of the other powers against Israel, will come out of the north. Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia. What other powerful nation is to the north of Israel? None.”
A good place to start your study regarding this is to look at the 6 minute video by Joel Richardson.  Then look at the Maps on his page.

                                          For all of the Maps please follow this Link

Popular version of map for the Bog of Magog War
Click to enlarge.

The New Moody Atlas of the Bible places Magog in Turkey

Gog of Magog and the Great Earthquake 
This gives the best Summary and Descriptions as well as Biblical References

New Scientific Evidence for God
In this Website learn about Dr. Jeffrey Goodman's new book by the same title.  There are sample Chapters as Free Downloads that address the Tower of Babel, Gog of Magog War, Maps of the end times, as well as the role of geological processes in Eschatology.  

Russia Is Not Magog

The Comets of God examines the Bible’s scriptures in light of the advancements in archeology, history, linguistics, geology and astronomy that opens the door to understanding and appreciating the amazing scientific information in the Bible.  There is now significant scientific evidence that helps to establish the reality of the catastrophic events recorded or prophesied in the Bible.  For example, learn about:  Noah’s Flood and the Burckle Impact Crater,  The Tower of Babel and the Amarah Impact Crater,  Revelation’s prophecy of the world’s cities falling and mountains melting in light of what a comet penetrating the Earth’s crust can do.  

By W. W. Fereday

The Nationality of the Antichrist
By Britt Gillette

We must be vigilant.  Learn and Teach our children and colleagues well.
The last sentence in this video states that Jesus said: "My people perish for lack of knowledge".
Did Jesus say that?

A debate continues today in regard to the prophecies of the Antichrist and his national identity. But no matter how much we speculate on the ultimate meaning of the Scriptures, we won't know the absolute truth until God's appointed time. As such, it is wise to study these prophecies and teach them to others, so that Christians of the Antichrist's generation will be able to positively identify him based on sound scriptural evidence.
The most important thing is ones own personal relationship with Christ.
May the Lord Jesus Christ, upon His return, find us actively engaged in teaching these truths to others.
Until then, live with a patient and enduring faith that His return is soon upon us.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Four Blood Moons by Pastor John Hagee

This is a three part series combined into one video.

Part 1 Verses
Joel 2:30-31
Acts 2:19
Luke 21:25-28
Psalm 19
Genesis 1: 14-19

Part 2 Verses
Ezekiel 38

Part 3 Verse
Revelation 19:11-16

For information on the Jewish Holidays and Calendar
Jewish Calendar
Jewish Holidays
Click image below to enlarge and then click again

Blood Moons in History
Click to Enlarge

Friday, September 12, 2014

America and Biblical Prophecy on the Anniversary of 9/11

America and Biblical Prophecy
"The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn - is compared to the readings of Isaiah 9:10


That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America's future?
That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

Before its end as a nation, there appeared in ancient Israel nine specific warnings and omens of national destruction -- These same Nine Harbingers are now manifesting in America with profound ramifications for America's future and end-time prophecy.

Hidden in an ancient biblical prophecy from Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretell recent American events down to the exact days... the 3,000-year-old mystery that revealed the exact date of the stock market collapse of 2008... the ancient prophecy that was proclaimed from the floor of the US Senate and then came true...and more. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptic will find it hard to put down.
Though it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller -- IT'S REAL.

The prophetic mysteries are factual but revealed through a riveting narrative the reader will find hard to put down. The Harbinger opens with the appearance of a man burdened with a message he has received from a mysterious figure called The Prophet. The Prophet has given him nine seals, each containing a message about America s future. As he tells of his encounters with the Prophet, from a skyscraper in New York City, to a rural mountaintop, to Capitol Hill, to Ground Zero, the mystery behind each seal is revealed. As the story unfolds, each revelation becomes another piece in a larger and larger puzzle, the ramifications of which are, even now, altering the course of America and the world.

"The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn - Isaiah 9:10

Everyone in America can probably remember exactly where they were and what they were doing on September 11, 2001. It is an iconic and devastating moment in American history. In this message, Pastor Jimmy Evans interviews Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about what the attacks on September 11 and the events that followed mean for America in terms of Biblical prophecy.

Jonathan Cahn is a Rabbi and author of "The Harbinger". He is also the leader of Hope of the World Ministries and Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel. For more, visit:

The interview was conducted with Pastor Jimmy Evans of Trinity Fellowship Church and Marriage Today. For more visit:

Monday, April 7, 2014

Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham

This is a great debate between a very well known secular scientist Bill Nye and a very well known Creationist.  Well worth the 2 hours and 45 minutes.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Noah's Ark Has Been Discovered and the Site is Now a National Park

Noah's Ark Has Been Discovered
and the Site is Now a National Park
Much information about the discovery, research, and photos
can be found at this link.
Noah's Ark National Park

The Facts presented below about Noah's Ark and the Flood
can be found on

The Ark Today
The Measurements are Exactly the Same as in the Bible
View from the Stern toward the Bow

Symmetry of the Ark from the Stern 

looking at the collapsed upper levels and the rib structure.

Outline of what the original Ark profile should be and what we see today

Size of the Ark compared to an modern day Aircraft Carrier 
 An Artists sketch of how the Anchor Stones would work as the Ark contacted land 
The Anchor Stones in an Artist's Painting
Anchor Stones found at the Village of 8

  Anchor Stones found at the Village of 8

I. Introduction
A. Biblical Passages: Gen. 6-8; Matt. 24:37,38; Luke17:26,27; I Pet. 3:20; II Pet. 2:5.

B. The story of Noah and his family being spared from a world- wide deluge (a judgment by God) is one of the most important in the Old Testament. Much is learned about the nature of God from this story. For example:
(1) It shows He is a holy God and cannot tolerate sin.
(2) It shows He is a just God and that sin will not go unpunished.
(3) It shows He is a God of mercy in that He spares some.
(4) It shows God's power in that the Flood unleashed great power.

II. The Design of the Ark
A. The Designer was God Himself. We do not need to assume Noah knew anything about ship-building. The instructions for design are given in Gen. 6:14 ff.

B. Construction Materials
The Bible says the Ark was to be built of "gopher wood". "Gopher" is the actual Hebrew word. In early English translations the meaning of the word was unknown so it was left untranslated. The NIV translates it "cypress wood", however, this is only a guess. It was undoubtedly translated this way due to the fact that cypress wood is highly resistant to rot. What this material was is still a mystery. It could have been a pre-flood wood with which we are not familiar.
It is almost certain that Noah did not construct a standard wooden ship of the kind we are familiar. According to nautical engineers the longest wooden vessel ever built was 360 feet in length and was not seaworthy. Because of the wave action of the sea only wooden ships shorter than this will be seaworthy. Therefore, we must conclude that Noah used some other method of construction to overcome this problem.

C. The Design.
1. The Biblical word for Ark is "tebah". It is used 28 times in the OT and is only used of Noah's Ark and for the container in which Moses was hidden among the bulrushes. Because of a similar Egyptian word meaning "box", and the ultimate purpose of the Ark, we believe the Ark was not like a streamlined vessel designed to easily glide through the water. More likely it was shaped like a rectangular barge which floated rather low in the water. From the story in the Bible, it also would appear that Noah had no control over the vessel. He, and it contents were at the total mercy of God.

2. The Ark had three stories with only one door. The phrase in Gen. 6:16, "Make a roof for it and finish the Ark to within 18 inches of the top." is problematic in that the words used are obscure. Most commentators believe it means leave an 18 inch space at the top that is open all around the vessel. This then would be for ventilation, and when water entered it would drain out somewhere below, similar to the vents in cars.

3. The Ark was to be coated inside and out with pitch.
Again the Hebrew word for "pitch" is obscure. It was more likely some resinous material used not only to waterproof the vessel but also to prevent decay. If Noah was 480 years old when God told him to build an Ark and 600 when the Flood came, it is reasonable to assume that the construction of the Ark took place during this 120 year period (See Gen. 6:3 along with I Pet. 3:20). The need for this preservative was essential. It is also possible that things did not decay as rapidly in the pre-flood atmosphere.

4. The phrase in the NIV (6:14) "make rooms" is also problematic in that the word is obscure. The Hebrew is "qnm". Since Hebrew did not have any vowels when it was written, scholars speculate that the word could be either "qinnim" or "qanim". The former would mean either "rooms" or "nest", and the later, "reeds". Most English translations translate as in the former. However, some of the better and more recent commentaries, believe it should be translated "reeds" since the context is building materials. If in reality it is "reeds", then somehow reeds were part of the construction material. Large boats are still made from reeds and are very seaworthy. The Egyptians still use reeds for caulking their wooden ships.

III. The Size of the Ark
(When considering its size it obviously was not the backyard effort of a primitive river-dweller!)
A. It is given in cubits as being 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. A cubit in the OT was generally about 17.5 inches. However, an Egyptian royal cubit measured about 20.5 inches. Since Moses was educated in Egypt we must allow for the possibility that the longer measurement was meant here. The Ark, therefore, could have measured from 437 feet to 512 feet in length! It was not until the late 19th century that a ship anywhere near this size was built.

B. It's Ratio
The Ark had a ratio (length x width x height) of 30 x 5 x 3. According to ship-builders, this ratio represents an advanced knowledge of ship-building since it is the optimum design for stability in rough seas. The Ark, as designed by God, was virtually impossible to capsize! It would have to have been tilted over 90 degrees in order to capsize.

C. Its Volume.
With the shorter cubit the Ark would have an internal volume of 1,518,750 cubic feet, or the equivalent of 569 standard railroad boxcars. If the average sized animal was the size of a sheep it means the Ark could hold over 125,000 sheep. (Assuming the shape of the Ark to be rectangular there would have been over 100,000 sq. ft of floor space!)

IV. It's Construction
Though the Bible does not say, it seems reasonable that Noah employed a large group of workman to build the Ark. If Noah started building the Ark soon after God spoke to him, then the process of building the Ark may have taken close to 120 years.

V. It's Final Resting Place
The Bible says in Gen. 8:4 that the Ark came to rest on the mountains (plural) of Ararat. At the time Moses wrote Genesis Ararat was a mountainous region located in what is today Eastern Turkey. The Bible only gives a general location for the final resting place of Noah's Ark. Contrary to what many Christians believe, the Bible does not say the Ark landed on the Mt. Ararat of today. There is, however, compelling evidence from ancient history that the Ark landed on a mountain about 200 miles south of Mt. Ararat. Josephus seems to be referring to this mountain, and he claims it still existed in his day. An Arabic historian says the last remains of the Ark were hauled away about 1000 A.D.

VI. The Cargo
1. The Human Passengers. II Pet. 2:5 says 8 souls were saved. We assume this means Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives.
2. The Animal Passengers. In Gen. 6:19ff. Noah is instructed to bring mated pairs of every kind of bird, every kind of animal, and every kind of creature that moves along the ground. In Gen. 7:2ff. He is more specifically instructed to bring seven mated pairs (14) of clean animals and seven pairs of all birds.
a. The Number of animals. Only air-breathing animals needed to be included on the Ark. Authorities on taxonomy estimate that there are less than 18,000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians living in the world today. We might double this to allow for extinct species. This would gives us 36,000 species times 2, or 72,000 animals. Adding for the clean animals, we might say there were as many as 75,000 animals. Earlier we said there was room enough in the Ark for 125,000 sheep, but most animals are smaller than a common house cat. There appears to be plenty of space for the preservation of the animal life. However, some creationists believe there may have been far fewer animals if Noah only took on board pairs of "kinds" as the word is used in Genesis 1. God created these "kinds" with potential for rich genetic diversity. For instance, at the time of Christ there existed only two types of dogs. All the diversity we see in the modern breeds of dogs came from these two!
b. The Care of the animals. Noah was instructed to include food for the animals (Gen. 6:21). How Noah and his small family could have cared for this large menagerie is unknown, not to mention the sanitation problem! What we must remember is that this event, i.e., the Flood, had supernatural elements. For instance, the animals came to the Ark against their natural instincts (Gen. 6:20). It is therefore reasonable to assume, as some creationists do, that the animals' metabolism may have been slowed down during their confinement, even to the point where some of the animals may have gone into a state of hibernation.

VII. The Typology or Spiritual meaning of the Ark
A. The Ark of Noah is a rich picture of the salvation provided by Christ who today is our Ark of safety.
B. Some of the points of comparison are:
1. God took the initiative in sparing Noah and his family. "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us." Rom. 5:8.
2. There was a divine and human side to the Ark as Christ is both human and divine.
3. There was only one door to enter into the Ark as there is only one way to God and that is through Christ Jesus. "I am the gate for the sheep..." Jn. 10:7. See also Acts 4:12.

4. There was great security for the passengers of the Ark. Likewise, if we are in Christ we are secure. See Rom.8:31ff.


I. Introduction: The first 12 chapters of Genesis are attacked more than any other passage in the Bible. It is very important for believers to be assured that this is no less the Word of God and is important for our instruction. We must not be tempted to prostitute ourselves to a higher authority than Scripture.

II. The Extent of the Flood
If the science of geology did not exist, and we only had Genesis chapters 6-8., what would we conclude from a normal reading of Scripture about the extent of the Flood? There is little doubt that a universal Flood is meant. Regardless, some evangelical scholars still postulate that the Flood was a local event.

A . The Local Flood Theory
1. The local Flood theory received a boost when the famous archaeologist, Sir Leonard Wooley thought he found proof of the Biblical Flood when he found an eight foot thick layer of water-deposited strata under the city of Ur covering a still more ancient civilization. Despite proof to the contrary, many still believe this discovery. (This flood layer, it was later discovered, did not even cover the entire city!)

2. Objections:
a. There would be no need for an Ark (definitely not an Ark the size of the one described in Genesis 7).
b. The Biblical language is universal.
c. This view seeks accommodation with the conclusions of modern geology.

B. The Flood was Universal
1. The main objections are its supernaturalism and the fact that it contradicts the conclusions of modern uniformitarian geology.

2. Support:
(a) The language of the Bible is universal. "all the high mountains under the entire heavens", "Every living thing", "all mankind", "Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark."
(b) The tradition is universal. A catastrophic flood seems to be found in the collective memory of all ancient peoples. Some 270 of these stories have been cataloged. What is interesting is the fact that the closer you get to Asia Minor, the closer the details are to the Biblical account!
(c) The size of the Ark. It is an ocean-going type of vessel befitting a global catastrophe.
(d) It explains the geosphere in terms of Biblical revelation. The huge extinction of animal and plant life told by the fossils speak of catastrophe.
(e) The Duration of the flood. They remained in the Ark for a whole year!
(f) It ignores the testimony of the apostle Peter. II Pet. 3:3-7. Peter is speaking in global terms.
(g) It ignores the stated purpose of the Flood-to destroy all of the human race.
(h) The Covenant God made with Noah after the Flood would be meaningless if the Flood had just been a local event.

III. The Cause of the Flood (Genesis 6:1-4)
The Bible speaks of the Flood as being a judgment from God due to wickedness on the earth. IF THE FLOOD WAS INDEED GLOBAL THEN THE SIN MUST HAVE BEEN OF THE MOST HEINOUS NATURE!
A. The Spiritual or Supernatural Reasons for the Flood
Genesis 6: 1-4 is one of the most puzzling passages in the entire Bible. The major questions of interpretation are: Who are the "daughters of men", the "sons of god", the "nephilim", and the "heroes of old"?

Four views:

1. Mixed marriage view
a. Explanation: The "sons of god" were the righteous line of Seth; the "daughters of men", the unrighteous line of Cain. The sin which gave rise to the judgment was the sin of intermarriage between the godly and ungodly.

(1) This view hardly explains the severity of the Flood?
(2) "Sons of god" in all other occurrences means "angels. Job1:6, 2:1, 38:7; Ps. 29:1, 89:6; Dan. 3:25.
(3) "men" means the same things in verse 2 as it does in verse 1.
(4) The Bible does not say that angels are sexless. Angels in heaven do not marry: the same as people. Matt. 22:30, Mk. 12:25, Lk. 20.35-36. Angels are spoken of as being male (Michael and Gabriel) and as female (Zech. 5:9)!
(5) It does not explain the offspring produced.
(6) It runs roughshod over the passages in I Pet. 3:19,20; IIPet. 2:4,5; Jude 6.
(7) None of the sons of god were on the Ark.
(8) The contrast is between the "sons of god" and the "daughters of men" not between the sons of Seth and the daughters of Cain.
(9) If the "sons of god" were godly, why did they do what is ungodly?

2. Immorality-polygamy view
(a) Explanation: A powerful, elite took for themselves multiple wives. There are parallels of this in ancient near-eastern literature.
(1) It gives too much emphasis to creation myths and not enough to Scripture.
(2) Again, does this explain the severity of the judgment?

3. Demon-possession View
(a) Explanation: This unholy union resulted in demon-possessed men.

Objection:Use of the term "sons of god in other OT passages does not refer to demon- possessed men.

4. The Corrupt Race (Seed) View
(a) Explanation: Angels (spirit beings) left their proper spheres (the spirit world), took on bodies of men and cohabited with the daughters of men. This unholy union threatened to destroy the Seed through which the Deliverer would come. Apparently the "nephilim" were some sort of hybrid. As a result, the earth was filled with violence.
(1) it explains the severity of the flood.
(2) It agrees nicely with the theme of Genesis which demonstrates the sovereignty of God in preserving purifying "the seed" as Satan tries to corrupt and destroy it. The marriage of fallen angels to daughters of men somehow corrupted the seed of man, perhaps causing some kind of genetic mutation. Noah and his family were chosen perhaps because their blood-line remained untouched.
(3) It does justice to the text.
(4) It explains a difficult passage in I Pet. 3. and Col 2:15, I Tim. 3:16, and explains why women should cover their head! ICor. 11:10.
(5) It is an ancient universal tradition that the gods once visited this earth in the form of men, i.e. the titans of mythology.
"More and more we are finding that mythology in general though greatly contorted very often has some historic base. And the interesting thing is that one myth which occurs over and over again in many parts of the world is that somewhere a long time ago supernatural beings had sexual intercourse with natural women and produced a special breed of people." Francis A. Schaeffer
(6) It has strong support from extra-biblical literature-- the pseudopigraphic book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees. The New Testament writers were familiar with these books. Jude quotes from Enoch and Peter alludes to it.
(7) It was the universal interpretation of the early church fathers until the 5th century.

The major objection to this view is angelic spirit-beings co-habiting with humans. It is a hard interpretation, and is hard to explain philosophically, i.e. the mind-body problem.
B. Natural Causes of the Flood
Some explanations offered:
1. A rapid shifting of the Poles.
2. The collapse of the vapor canopy surrounding the earth.
3. Volcanism and earthquakes.
4. The shifting of the earth's crust.
5. An extra-terrestrial body passing close by the earth.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

God Will Show You His Will

“‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’declares the LORD,
‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give
you a future and a hope.Then you will call upon
Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to
you.You will seek Me and find Me when you
search for Me with all your heart’” (Jeremiah.29:11-13)

This is a lesson that is directly tied to my restlessness lately to discern what God has planned for me in the near future.  I am increasingly feeling the desire to do Gods work in the area of Disaster Relief and possibly work with Samaritan's Purse and use my training in this area and Technical Rescue.  I am praying, reading Gods Word, and seeking his answer.

Click to Read the Lesson

Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
Proverbs 16: 3
Click for a short Sermon on Guidance and Direction from the Lord


'I cry to You for help, LORD; in the morning my prayer comes before You.'    
Psalm 88: 13

-  Don’t start your day full of doubts and fears.
-  Start your day by praying and trusting God.
-  In the morning we can take a moment to bring our requests to Him.
-  In the evening we can take a moment to give Him thanks.

PRAYER: Lord, it is a new day and as such a new opportunity to pray and commit my day into Your hands. Help me in all I need to do, to do what honors You.  Amen.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Spiritual Gifts

are a result of the Holy Spirit indwelling in us.
In order to fully understand Spiritual Gifts, one must fully understand the Holy Spirit.
Click the Photo below to learn a lot more about
The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts by Dr. Charles Stanley.

The Holy Spirit

Click on The Dove for more detailed information about The Spiritual Gifts
by Dr. Charles Stanley

God wants us to be involved with His work. He is so gracious that by His Holy Spirit He freely distributes spiritual gifts to all who are saved.God gives every believer a spiritual gift the moment he or she accepts Christ.  Many Christians haven't identified their gifts, or they're not sure how to use them for God's Glory.  
He not only wants us to know our spiritual gifts, but He expects us to grow in them each day.

It has been said, "He who buries his talent is making a grave mistake."

A Talent is a natural ability or aptitude given by God to a person at birth.  A Spiritual Gift is a supernatural ability given by God at rebirth.

How true this statement is for so many Christians. God has given each believer a spiritual gift that He wants us to use for His glory, but we often don't use it. We may deny that we actually have a spiritual gift or if we do acknowledge it, we may doubt its usefulness to glorify God, and then just bury it. But we must realize that God wants us to be involved with His work. He is so gracious that by His Holy Spirit He freely distributes gifts to all who are saved. He not only wants us to know our spiritual gifts, but He expects us to grow in them each day.
The Bible says in Ephesians 4:7 "But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift." Also in 1 Corinthians 12:7 it says "To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." Then in verse 11 it states "But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills." So it is clear that each Christian has a spiritual gift. You may ask, So what are they for? How do I use my gift (or gifts)? Does God really want to use me?
  • What is a Spiritual Gift? A spiritual gift is a supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to a person when they are saved. 
  • How many Spiritual Gifts are there?There is no complete list of spiritual gifts found in any single book of the Bible.  Thus, we cannot conclude that what we have is an exhaustive list or that the Spirit of God has not given other gifts to the church.  We do not want to limit God's ability to give more gifts, He most certainly has, but we must be cautious when calling an ability a spiritual gift if it is not found in Scripture. We find lists totaling nineteen spiritual gifts in three different passages: Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4.  There are other important passages as well.  Paul seems to speak of singleness or celibacy as being a gift from God in 1 Corinthians 7, and some have also considered marriage as a gift in the context of this passage.  Spiritual gifts are further mentioned in 1 Peter 4 which addresses the speaking and serving gifts in a general sense.
  •  Who Gives the Spiritual Gifts?
    We see in the Scriptures that since the day of Pentecost The Holy Spirit has given each believer one or more spiritual gifts to serve God and His people.  This is obviously why they are called "spiritual" gifts.  However, in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, we also see that the full Trinity is involved with spiritual gifts.  And in Ephesians 4:7 we see that Christ gave gifts when He ascended in celebration of His triumph over sin on the cross and over death in His resurrection.  Therefore, we can conclude that God distributes spiritual gifts by His Holy Spirit, but the Triune God is at work together in giving and empowering them.  See Ephesians 4:7-13, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, Hebrews 2:4
  • What is the Purpose of Spiritual Gifts?
    The purpose of spiritual gifts is to glorify Jesus by testifying of Him and building up His church until He returns.  A major part of this is accomplished by using our gifts to serve in love, and by bearing much fruit that lasts.  See Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16, Revelation 4:11, Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 1:7; 1 Peter 4:10; John 16:13-14 and John 15:8.
  • How many Spiritual Gifts do I have?
    Each Christian has at least one spiritual gift given to them when they are saved.  Some receive more depending upon God's will and calling in their lives.  See Ephesians 4:7, I Corinthians 12:7, 11, I Corinthians 7:7, I Peter 4:10
  • What Spiritual Gifts do I have?
    Only God knows - just kidding.  There are Spiritual Gifts Tests that have been developed to help you figure this one out.  When you are done with the test, ask other Christians in your church or community that you know and trust to help you in discovering them.  We also suggest serving in different areas and in different capacities in the church to figure out how you can best use those gifts to glorify God.
  • Does anyone have all the Spiritual Gifts?
    No. Each believer is given a gift or gifts according to the will of God, but no one has all of the spiritual gifts and no single gift is given to everyone.  See 1 Corinthians 12:29-30, 1 Corinthians 7:7
  • How do I use my Gifts?
    The Bible tells us to use our gifts in love and in service to others.  Every church needs believers with all kinds of gifts to serve and build up the body of Christ. We suggest you start by contacting someone in your church to find out where you can serve.  Check out 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and 1 Peter 4:10.
  • What is the difference between a Talent and a Spiritual Gift?
    A talent is a natural ability or aptitude given by God to a person at birth.  A spiritual gift is a supernatural ability given by God at rebirth.  A talent can be anything from athletic ability to musical aptitude to artistic genius.  God allows a person to use his or her talents for many different purposes and in many different capacities.  When it comes to spiritual gifts, God opens up the ability of a person to be used by The Lord purposely and directly in His work.  A spiritual gift can spring from a natural talent, or it can be a completely new ability that is "out of the ordinary" for that person.  The main point is this: All talents and spiritual gifts come from God.  He can use talents and spiritual gifts to fulfill His purposes and bring Himself glory.  The main difference between the two is that only Christians receive spiritual gifts because only Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them.  As a believer in Christ, you are called to use your talents and your spiritual gifts for the glory of God.

This test will help get you started in developing your Spiritual gifts by discerning them.

As you learn to pay attention in the Spirit, the Lord will reveal more and more and if you have a call to ministry, you will feel a strong urge towards it. Life can only be learned by experiencing many things and it is in the doing where discoveries are made.
The gifts are confirmed by a servant spirit in that area of ministry.
You will sense God's anointing (or joy of His Presence) upon it.
All ministry is serving others and it can be developed more and more through understanding and sincerity and the application of God's Word.
My prayer is that you will be blessed and be a blessing - and grow more and more as you become aware of the power of God that is at work within you. The Lord is enabling you to do great things - and you will make a difference! And we all will be blessed by it.

Romans 12:3 says, "For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned."

For the best results answer each statement below according to who you are, not who you would like to be or think you ought to be.  How true are these statements of you?  What has been your experience? What do others tell you? To what degree do these statements reflect your usual tendencies? Each question is very important, so try not to miss out on any. 

Take the test, get your results,
Email results or Share. 





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