Saturday, October 26, 2013

Atmospheric Movement

The Air is a Wisp.
It is constantly in motion.  
We need it to live.
We can live approximately
"3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food"

It is a super thin veil of gas that encircles our globe and extends no further than 200 miles upward from the surface of the earth.  The air is composed of 76% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 3% water vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Argon, and dust.
We only use ~5% of the oxygen that we breathe, exhaling about 16% with every breath.
More than 70% of the atmosphere is contained within the first 10 miles.  Many Super cell thunderstorms extend slightly higher than that height.  The mass and gravity of our planet allows us to keep our atmosphere.  In the pictures below I will show how some of the movements of air occur and I will show some of the remarkable things that can result.  Air always moves from High Pressure to Low Pressure and moves like a fluid.
The movement of Air is accomplished by heating and differences in temperature and pressure.  All air movements obey Charles Law and Boyle s Law in physics.  

Note:  Dry air does not have the water vapor composition
mentioned in the Life Group.  

Movement of air due to convective heating and Earth's rotation
sets up the Coriolis Effect

Thicker areas of the atmosphere create High Pressure areas
Thinner areas of the atmosphere create Low Pressure areas
High pressure always flows toward the Low 

Coupled with the movement of the air and heating explains
why H=Clear skies and L=Cloudy skies.
 Opposite rotation in the Southern Hemisphere
Due to the Coriolis effect.

 Low Pressure over Iceland
 Low pressure over N. California

Convective movement creates Thunderstorms
along with the stripping of electrons creating negative charge in the clouds. The difference in negative electrical potential sets up the scenario for electrical discharges known as lightning.  
 Not only regular lightning is in our atmosphere.
There are many exotic types of EMP's
(ElectroMagnetic Phenemenon)
such as Elves, Sprites, and Blue Jets
Sprites Blue Jets and Elves
Elves Sprites and  Blue Jets and Super Bolts
 Hail is a product of large thunderstorms

Vivian, South Dakota Hail Stone
Sets New Record for the Largest
                                     HAIL RECORDS FOR THE US

A mixture of hail and snow creating wet soft snowballs.  

Check out the NOAA Storm Spotters Reference Guide
for a lot more diagrams and details.

Do you want to become a Storm Spotter?
Start by taking the three online classes below as well as
other classes in person offered through Fire Departments
and Emergency Management.

Tornadoes form as a rotation in the Wall Cloud
and begin to spin downwards as they form.
This tornado is almost to touch the ground as it spins
toward the plain in South Dakota near Badlands Nat. Park.


This is my Stormchasing page with lots of  information and Links
All photos were taken on my American Odyssey Expeditions


Light playing on water drops, dust, or ice crystals in the atmosphere 
                        produces a host of visual spectacles such as rainbows, halos, glories,
                                                              coronas, and many more.  
                                                               This site is all about snow crystals and snowflakes --
what they are, where they come from, and just how these
remarkably complex and beautiful structures are created,
quite literally, out of thin air.         

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