Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Pool of Siloam

The Pool of Siloam
Video on YouTube
Pastor Andy Cook walks among the fresh discoveries
of the ancient Pool of Siloam, where Jesus once sent a blind man to be healed.

Hezekiah's Tunnel
Carries water from the Giphon Spring to the Pool of Shiloam
Pastor Andy Cook walks among the fresh discoveries.

The Giphon Spring - City of David
City of David, In 1995, when the Ir David Foundation began construction of a new visitor's center above the Gihon Spring, startled workers uncovered a wealth of archaeology buried deep underground. Construction was immediately halted in favor of a massive archaeological effort. To date, the excavations have unearthed the remains of a massive fortress of a compound built in the Middle Bronze Period, close to 3,800 years ago, whose function was to protect a large pool that collected the diverted waters of the Giphon Spring. A secret underground tunnel led the inhabitants of Jerusalem deep into the earth to draw their water from this pool when the city was under siege.
A small shaft uncovered directly over the source of the Giphon Spring sheds light on the story of the coronation of the young King Solomon "on the Giphon" as his mother Bathsheba, Nathan the Prophet and the People of Israel cheered on as recorded in Kings I

Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus
A complete model and lots of great information

The Real Pool of Siloam Discovered
Another good website on the Archaeology of the Pool of Siloam

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